The Fringed Curtains of Thine Eye

1.If by Your Art, My Dearest Father
2.Alas, Poor Milan
3.Be't to Fly, to Swim
4.This Damned Witch Scyorax
5.The Fringed Curtains of Thine Eye
6.There's Nothing Ill Can Dwell
7.How Lush and Lusty the Grass
8.Riches, Poverty, and Use of Service
9.Sometime Like Apes
10.Full Many a Lady I Have Eyed
11.‘Tis a Custom in the Afternoon
12.I Have Made You Mad
13.You Do Look, My Son, in a Moved Sort
14.At Last I Left Them
15.At This Hour Lie at My Mercy
16.Ye Elves
17.Behold, Sir King
18.Sir, She Is Mortal
19.My Tricksy Spirit
20.Coragio, Bully-Monster
21.Full Fathom Five
22.Prospero's Curse
23.While You Here Do Snoring Lie
24.Prospero's Magic
26.Twelve Years Since
27.Come Unto These Yellow Sands
28.History of Sycorax
29.Come and Go
31.Where the Bee Sucks
32.Caliban's Pit
34.The Masque