I see the slashes on your legs and the smile on your face again
Blood is drying on your fingernails
Laughing at something that I said
Were you still sitting 'hind the stairs
当我离开后 你还安坐在那段楼梯后吗
With a new boy in your hair when I left
身旁一位新结识的 不会骚扰你的男孩
You seemed to recognize my face
But my hands feel like somebody else's
但我的双手 却感觉不是自己的了
I blanked last night when you told me
当昨晚你告诉我那些 我仿佛消失不见
I blanked last night when you told me twice
当你昨晚你不断告诉我那些 我仿佛消失不见
I blanked last night when you told me
当昨晚你告诉我那些 我仿佛消失不见
I blanked last night when you told me twice
当你昨晚你不断告诉我那些 我仿佛消失不见
You cut your hair off with a blade
Didn't want a single trace o' that poor girl
The water couldn't get you clean
So, you burned your skin instead with the curl(You live in your hell)
所以你用某种卷曲物体 烧灼了自己的皮肤(你活在自己构建的地狱里)
I watched an angel cut the sky
Feathers plucked from flight(Just to torture yourself)
And she sunk right through the ground from colossal heights(Tell me what could I do)
然后她就从云端 沉入了地下(告诉我吧 我能做些什么)
She cried out for my name, I didn't hesitate(The moment when the flies fell)
她极端渴求我的姓名 而我没有踟蹰(那一刻 蝇虫掉了下来)
I screamed, "I cannot be your saint, I know you can't be saved"
我嘶吼道 我成为不了你的圣人 我知道你得不到救赎
I blanked last night when you told me
当昨晚你告诉我那些 我仿佛消失不见
I blanked last night when you told me twice
当你昨晚你不断告诉我那些 我仿佛消失不见
I blanked last night when you told me
当昨晚你告诉我那些 我仿佛消失不见
I blanked last night when you told me twi-
当你昨晚你不断告诉我那些 我仿佛消失不见
I blanked last night when you told me
当昨晚你告诉我那些 我仿佛消失不见
I blanked last night when you told me twice
当你昨晚你不断告诉我那些 我仿佛消失不见
I blanked last night when you told me
当昨晚你告诉我那些 我仿佛消失不见
I blanked last night when you told me twice
当你昨晚你不断告诉我那些 我仿佛消失不见