Conerto Op.24 For Flute Oboe Clarinet Horn Trumpet Trom- Bone Violin Viola And Piano:2. Sehr langsam

1.Piano Quintet Op.Post.:Moderato
2."Entflieht auf leichten K?hnen" Op.2
3.2 Songs Op.8 For Voice And Eight Instruments:1. "Du der ich's nicht sage" Langsam
4.2 Songs Op.8 For Voice And Eight Instruments:2. "Du machst mich allein" Sehr langsam
5.5 Pieces For Orchestra Op.10:1. Sehr ruhig und zart
6.5 Pieces For Orchestra Op.10:2. Lebhaft und zart bewegt
7.5 Pieces For Orchestra Op.10:3. Sehr langsam und ?u?erst ruhig
8.5 Pieces For Orchestra Op.10:4. Flie?end ?u?erst zart
9.5 Pieces For Orchestra Op.10:5. Sehr flie?end
10.4 Songs Op.13 For Voice And Orchestra:1. Wiese im Park: "Wie wird mir zeitlos" - Sehr ruhig
11.4 Songs Op.13 For Voice And Orchestra:2. Die Einsame: "An dunkelblauem Himmel" Bewegt
12.4 Songs Op.13 For Voice And Orchestra:3. In der Fremde: "In fremdem Lande lag ich"Flie?end
13.4 Songs Op.13 For Voice And Orchestra:4. Ein Winterabend:"Wenn der Schnee ans Fenster f?llt" Sehr ruhig
14.6 Songs Op.14 For Voice Clarinet Bass Clarient Violin A.Cello:1. Die Sonne: "T?glich kommt die gelbe Sonne" Ruhig fliessend
15.6 Songs Op.14 For Voice Clarinet Bass Clarient Violin A.Cello:2. Abendland I: "Mond als tr?te ein Totes" Sehr lebhaft
16.6 Songs Op.14 For Voice Clarinet Bass Clarient Violin A.Cello:3. Abendland II: "So leise sind die grünen W?lder" Langsam
17.6 Songs Op.14 for Voice Clarinet Bass Clarient Violin A.Cello:baut" Langsam
18.6 Songs Op.14 For Voice Clarinet Bass Clarient Violin A.Cello:5. Nachts: "Die Bl?ue meiner Augen" Sehr lebhaft
19.6 Songs Op.14 For Voice Clarinet Bass Clarient Violin A.Cello:6. Gesang einer gefangenen Amsel: "Dunkler Odem im grünen Gezweig" Sehr fliessende Achtel
20.5 Sacred Songs Op.15 For Voice Flute Clarinet Bass Clarinet Trumpet Harp Violin And Viola:1. "Das Kreuz das mu?t' er tragen" Getragen
21.5 Sacred Songs Op.15 For Voice Flute Clarinet Bass Clarinet Trumpet Harp Violin And Viola:2. Morgenlied: "Steht auf ihr lieben Kinderlein" Zart bewegt
22.5 Sacred Songs Op.15 For Voice Flute Clarinet Bass Clarinet Trumpet Harp Violin And Viola:3. "In Gottes Namen aufstehn" Gem?chlich
23.5 Sacred Songs Op.15 For Voice Flute Clarinet Bass Clarinet Trumpet Harp Violin And Viola:4. "Mein Weg geht jetzt vorüber" Sehr ruhig
24.5 Sacred Songs Op.15 For Voice Flute Clarinet Bass Clarinet Trumpet Harp Violin And Viola:5. "Fahr hin o Seel' zu deinem Gott" Doppelcanon in motu cantrario: Fliessend
25.5 Canons Op.16 For High Soprano Clarinet And Bass Clarinet:1. "Christus factus est" Rasch
26.5 Canons Op.16 For High Soprano Clarinet And Bass Clarinet:2. "Dormi Jesu mater ridet" Ruhig
27.5 Canons Op.16 For High Soprano Clarinet And Bass Clarinet:3. "Crux fidelis" Langsam
28.5 Canons Op.16 For High Soprano Clarinet And Bass Clarinet:4. "Asperges me Domine" Sehr lebhaft
29.5 Canons Op.16 For High Soprano Clarinet And Bass Clarinet:5. "Crucem tuam adoramus Domine" Bewegt
30.3 Traditional Rhymes Op.17 For Voice Violin Viola Clarinet And Bass Clarinet:1. "Armer Sünder du" Gem?chlich
31.3 Traditional Rhymes Op.17 For Voice Violin Viola Clarinet And Vass Clarinet:2. "Liebste Jungfrau wir sind dein" Fliessend
32.3 Traditional Rhymes Op.17 For Voice Violin Viola Clarinet And Bass Clarinet:3. "Heiland unsre Missetaten" Langsam
33.3 Songs Op.18 For Voice E Clarinet And Guitar:1. "Schatzerl klein" Sehr ruhig
34.3 Songs Op.18 For Voice E Clarinet And Guitar:2. Erl?sung: "Mein Kind sieh an" Sehr bewegt
35.3 Songs Op.18 For Voice E Clarinet And Guitar:3. "Ave Regina coelorum" Langsam
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38.Quartet Op.22 For Violin Clarinet Tenor Saxophone And Piano:1. Sehr m??ig
39.Quartet Op.22 For Violin Clarinet Tenor Saxophone And Piano:2. Sehr schwungvoll
40.Conerto Op.24 For Flute Oboe Clarinet Horn Trumpet Trom- Bone Violin Viola And Piano:1. Etwas lebhaft
41.Conerto Op.24 For Flute Oboe Clarinet Horn Trumpet Trom- Bone Violin Viola And Piano:2. Sehr langsam
42.Conerto Op.24 For Flute Oboe Clarinet Horn trumpet Trom- Bone Violin Viola And Piano:3. Sehr rasch