1.Organ: Improvisation on the Introit (Live)
2.Introit: Resurrexi, et adhuc tecum sum (Live)
3.Introduction and Blessing of Holy Water (Live)
4.Gloria (Live)
5.Collect and First Reading (Live)
6.Gradual: Hæc dies (Live)
7.Second Reading (Live)
8.Alleluia: Pascha nostrum (Live)
9.Sequence: Victimæ paschali laudes (Live)
10.Gospel (Live)
11.Credo III (Live)
12.Offertory: Ecce vicit leo (Live)
13.Preface of Easter I (Live)
14.Sanctus (Live)
15.Eucharistic Prayer, Pt. 1 (Live)
16.Memorial Acclamation / Eucharistic Prayer, Pt. 2 (Live)
17.Communion Rite (Live)
18.Agnus dei (Live)
19.Communion: Pascha nostrum (Live)
20.Concluding Rite and Blessing (Live)
21.Te deum (Live)
22.Organ: Victimæ paschali (Live)