What is Life? ('Che faro') (from Orfeo ed Euridice)

1.Interview with Kathleen Ferrier, Montreal - 1950
2.Blow the Wind Southerly
3.The Keel Row
4.Come You Not from Newcastle?
5.Ye Banks and Braes
6.I Know Where I’m Going
7.Drink to Me Only
8.Ma Bonny Lad
9.Ca’ the Yowes
10.Der Musensohn
11.An die Musik
12.Have Mercy, Lord ('Erbame dich') (from St. Matthew Passion)
13.O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings (from Messiah)
14.Ombra mai fu (from Xerxes)
15.Art Thou Troubled? (from Rodelinda)
16.O Rest in the Lord (from Elijah)
17.Silent Noon
18.Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal
19.Kitty My Love
20.Down By the Salley Gardens
21.Um Mitternacht
22.What is Life? ('Che faro') (from Orfeo ed Euridice)