Horse, The Prince, Pavement, Field
Agaricus, The Blushing Wood
False Deathcap, Grey Spotted Amanita, Tawny Grisette
All look good
The Blusher, The Honey, The Woody Ears
(?), Bay Boletus
Penny Bun, Scarlatina, Chanterelle
All come eaters
Trooping Funnel, Glistening Ink Cap, Horn of Plenty, Velvet Shank
Snowy Wax and the Amethyst Deceiver, Saffron Milk Cap
Yes we thank
The Giant Puff Ball, Shaggy Parasol, Wood Blewit
Gather them all
The Fairy Ring, The Polypore
Porcelain, Oyster, Dryads and all
The Charcoal Burner
Powdery Brittlegill
Scarlet Elf Cup
Take your field
1.Theme from 'Likely Stories'
3.Looking for the Girl
4.Poor Babes in the Woods