Go hard or go home! | Go hard or go home! | Go hard or go
home! | Go hard or go home!
Ok, Around the way, they say that boy cold with the written *******t |
So cold man his tongue froze spittin’ it | Everybody wanna know
“is he getting’ it?” | But the only way he know is to live this
*******t | Years ago really, who would’ve dreamt of it? | Overseas
doing shows really killin’ it | Young boy dreaming about the car
dealer*******p | A bunch of hoes that want life-long member*******ps |
This is the realest *******t, you gotta feel this *******t | Been blessed
all because of the penman*******p | Get dressed, do beats with
due diligence | Can’t rest until the whole world hear ‘em spit |
You can hear he put blood, sweat, and tears in this | So every
year you hear ‘em, is the year of Print | It sound mean, but dog
I don’t wanna hear ya *******t | My minds a machine, sometimes
you can hear it click | Who got the biggest click? I could give
a *******t | I roll so heavy solo you can probably feel my steps | I
test mics but the rhyme’s no experiment | It’s proven through
trial and error plus experience | Rappers in they bag looking for
the biggest trick | But even in the smallest things he can hear
a hit | Isolate the main part where the spirit is | Then magnify
it in size until it’s a hit | I put things in places where they
shouldn’t fit | I put drinks in my body that you shouldn’t mix |
I ride a mountain bike and run through a slew of chicks | It’s
no ******* question if I really do this *******t | *******, I live where
the yen and yang intersect | My perfect day is to make a beat
then have *** | Then laugh with the fellas and a can of Pabst |
Kissin’ the sky like my man Jimi Hendrix did | ******* what you’re
interest is, and what got you into this | The rhyme is the only
thing that matter to a lyricist | There’s no way that I can keep
going in like this | Because the good die young like Dilla did |
My progression never ends, so I can never rest | Every rhyme is
like climbing Mount Everest | Every beat is like running up stair
steps | Except I don’t celebrate when I reach the crest | My
entire mind-state is to be the best | Not the hot new trend that
you think is fresh | I don’t care which path is the friendliest |
I’mma take the one that got no trace of human steps | I’mma
tear rap down then rebuild the *******t | With total disregard to if
the pieces even fit | Reintroduce it to you with an unfamiliar
twist | Make it feel new to you like ******* a different *******