拉:Morituri te salutant
英:Those about to die salute you
拉:Vitale salutatis
英:the living wish you well
拉:Morituri te salutant
英:Those about to die salute you
拉:thesauri audacia
英:have courage
拉:creatura *res divina spero* 1
英:servant of god have hope
拉:lux *vivescere lux* 2
英:hope to live, hope
拉:prex perfidelis adhortari
英:pray very faithful soldier
英:for victory today
英:by singing.
法:N'Ayez pas peur
英:Don't be afraid
法:De soufrir
英:Of suffering
法:Le futur
英:The future
法:Nous attend
英:Awaits us
法:Les soldats reviendront!
英:The soldiers will return!
法:Arriveront victorieux!
英:They will arrive victoriously!
法:Donnez tout pour l'honneur!
英:Give everything for honor!
We've all seen the tapes a hundred times-- You've seen nothing! Dissecting a dead Zerg in a lab is one thing; unleashing them on men is another! You must go into this with both eyes open. Once started, there is no going back. [stomps Stukov's cigar out] Are you prepared to go all the way with this, Alexei?
1.StarCraft Main Title
2.First Contact
3.Terran One
4.Terran Ready Room
5.Terran Two
6.Terran Defeat
7.Terran Three
8.The Death of the Overmind
9.Protoss One
10.Protoss Ready Room
11.Protoss Two
12.Protoss Defeat
13.Protoss Three
14.Zerg Ready Room
15.Zerg One
16.Zerg Defeat
17.Zerg Two
18.Zerg Victory
19.Zerg Three
20.Brood War: Aria
21.Funeral for a Hero
22.Terran Victory
23.Dearest Helena
24.The Ascension
25.Char Falls Under Directorate Control
26.Fury of the Xel'Naga