Daughters of the Lonesome Isle

2.In the Name of the Holocaust
3.And the Earth Shall Bear Again
4.Totem Ancestor
6.Tossed as It Is Untroubled
7.Our Spring Will Come
8.A Room
10.Prelude for Meditation
11.Root of an Unfocus
12.A Valentine Out of Season I
13.A Valentine Out of Season II
14.A Valentine Out of Season III
15.Spontaneous Earth
16.The Perilous Night I
17.The Perilous Night II
18.The Perilous Night III
19.The Perilous Night IV
20.The Perilous Night V
21.The Perilous Night VI
22.The Unavailable Memory Of
23.Daughters of the Lonesome Isle
24.Mysterious Adventure
25.Music for Marcel Duchamp