Nightly Gathering

1.In the Water
2.High current
3.First to Arrive
4.Into the Canal
5.Dreaming on the Beach
6.A Star is Born
7.Best of the Beach
8.Night Chatter
10.Beach Tidings
11.At the Pier
12.Meadowlark Medley
13.Day is Done
14.Delivering the Goods
15.Listening and Learning
16.Ocean Choir
17.Big Expectations
18.From the Porch
19.Getting Out
20.Evening Shuffle
21.Ocean Alliance
22.Letting it Go
23.Path of Pines
24.Full of Pride
25.In the Glen
26.Forest Follies
27.Paper Trail
28.Nightly Gathering
29.Hearing the Sounds
30.Hint of Spring