Most Secret Songs for a Low Voice and Piano: Along the Roads of Love

1.Six Love Songs. Six songs to original medieval texts: Kind Night
2.Six Love Songs. Six songs to original medieval texts: Summer is come
3.Six Love Songs. Six songs to original medieval texts: Under the Linden Tree
4.Six Love Songs. Six songs to original medieval texts: You are Mine
5.Six Love Songs. Six songs to original medieval texts: Send Me No Messages
6.Six Love Songs. Six songs to original medieval texts: Ballad of the Ladies of Bygone Days
7.Most Secret Songs for a Low Voice and Piano: Along the Roads of Love
8.Most Secret Songs for a Low Voice and Piano: So Has Love with Pain
9.Most Secret Songs for a Low Voice and Piano: Conversation
10.Most Secret Songs for a Low Voice and Piano: Into My Heart
11.Most Secret Songs for a Low Voice and Piano: Rondel
12.Most Secret Songs for a Low Voice and Piano: Parting
13.Most Secret Songs for a Low Voice and Piano: A Song
14.Most Secret Songs for a Low Voice and Piano: I Follow You
15.Most Secret Songs for a Low Voice and Piano: Epilogue (ad libitum): Time Flowing
16.Loveless Songs for Contralto and Viola: The Wall
17.Loveless Songs for Contralto and Viola: Separation
18.Loveless Songs for Contralto and Viola: For Instance
19.Loveless Songs for Contralto and Viola: Till Death Do Us Join
20.Loveless Songs for Contralto and Viola: Anno Domini MCMXXI
21.Loveless Songs for Contralto and Viola: Nostalgia
22.Six Songs to Verses by Rainer Maria Rilke for Singing Voice and Piano: All Through Your Listening and Bewilderment Calm Down
23.Six Songs to Verses by Rainer Maria Rilke for Singing Voice and Piano: Folk Song
24.Six Songs to Verses by Rainer Maria Rilke for Singing Voice and Piano: An Autumn Day
25.Six Songs to Verses by Rainer Maria Rilke for Singing Voice and Piano: Lull Talk
26.Six Songs to Verses by Rainer Maria Rilke for Singing Voice and Piano: The Evening Is My Book
27.Six Songs to Verses by Rainer Maria Rilke for Singing Voice and Piano
28.Songs from Tesin Country: Hey, Round about Tesin
29.Songs from Tesin Country: The Bridge in Tesin Town
30.Songs from Tesin Country: By Yonder Side of the Lake
31.Songs from Tesin Country: In a Green Grove
32.Songs from Tesin Country: There Was a Valley
33.Songs from Tesin Country: Come Sunday Morning
34.Songs from Tesin Country: I Know of a Bird
35.Songs from Tesin Country: Twain Little Doves They Flew
36.Songs from Tesin Country: Woebegone World
37.Songs from Tesin Country: Over Hill and Water
38.Songs from Tesin Country: The Girls They Boast