e&m e&m e&m e&m
step up lemme see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
let em see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
step up lemme see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
let em see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
step up now it's your time to rise(我们的时代来临了)
men hustle they don't cry at night(男儿有泪不轻弹)
step up u gotta step up for your life(为了生活)
ain’t nobody‘s gonna fight for u(为了自己)
step up lemme see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
let em see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
step up lemme see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
let em see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
step up now it's your time to rise(我们的时代来临了)
men hustle they don't cry at night(男儿有泪不轻弹)
step up u gotta step up for your life(为了生活)
ain’t nobody‘s gonna fight for u(为了自己)
can't be a pu41 jump into the front line(奋战在前线誓死不做尿片子)
load my weapon not without pride(备战充足但从来都不会骄傲)
negotiation nope shot's fired(想谈判?已经晚了)
motivation **** cause riot(准备好!狂暴来袭)
take a step forward and got pushed back few steps(每前进一步都会被退后更多)
I think I'm just gonna be the last(我也大概只能做个吊车尾了)
though I seem like a person who doesn't appreciate(尽管我看起来玩世不恭)
so much more than I can recall the memories of the past(但从前经历的也会让我念念不忘)
I'm so tired of stalling now I want accelerate(拖延不复存在现在开始加快脚步)
I'm so tired of buffing now I'm gonna operate(空话不复存在现在开始都要实现)
tired of us know the drill but have to tolerate(生而为人不记一切后果)
fighters like us we bust down get to dominate(生而为此终会如愿以偿)
lemme see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
let em see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
step up lemme see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
let em see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
step up now it's your time to rise(我们的时代来临了)
men hustle they don't cry at night(男儿有泪不轻弹)
step up u gotta step up for your life(为了生活)
ain’t nobody‘s gonna fight for u(为了自己)
pretty girl let me see u up and down(宝贝 让我看到你)
that bi you hate i kick her out of town(我已经赶走了你讨厌的人)
used to shout my name and they whisper now(曾经使唤我的人现在都低声下气的)
by the time they bow for me and kiss your crown(他们为我鞠躬的同时不忘亲吻你的皇冠)
pretty girl let me see u up and down(宝贝 让我看到你)
that bi you hate i kick her out of town(我已经赶走了你讨厌的人)
used to shout my name and they whisper now(曾经使唤我的人现在都低声下气的)
by the time they bow for me and kiss your crown(他们为我鞠躬的同时不忘亲吻你的皇冠)
step up baby step up baby step up(行动起来)
ask me for a mercy try to get that job (快为了私心对我鞠躬尽瘁吧)
wolves lurking under the woods, my back up(狼群站在我身后,它们是我的后盾)
my heart goes damn numb,up let me show you my new moves(变得麻木也不忘起舞)
my pocket is full of old danger and new tools(口袋里装满了爱与恨)
stay on the top watching these clown(爬上了顶峰,一览众山小)
its fking funny like a fool trynna fool those fools(讽刺的是看着山下的人互相算计)
people like to see my mouth open i shut it(就是要和你们对着干)
droppin a new sh my boy is poppin(点开新单像是在拆礼物)
mama is happy(妈妈为我而骄傲)
im a baller now im a baller now but i was nothing im lucky (我现在变得更强大)
know how to stay away from the garbage(是因为我知道近朱者赤)
i know how to stay away from the garbage im lucky(是因为我知道近墨者黑)
i know how to stay away from the garbage(是因为我知道近朱者赤)
i know how to stay away from the garbage im lucky(是因为我知道近墨者黑)
lemme see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
let em see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
step up lemme see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
let em see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
step up now it's your time to rise(我们的时代来临了)
men hustle they don't cry at night(男儿有泪不轻弹)
step up u gotta step up for your life(为了生活)
ain’t nobody‘s gonna fight for u(为了自己)
step up lemme see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
let em see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
step up lemme see your moves(别光说不做,行动起来)
ain’t nobody‘s gonna fight for u(为了自己)