mix by loqman
riding in a rollercoaster there be up n down人生像坐过山车
riding in a rollercoaster there be up n down起起落落落落
riding in a rollercoaster there be up n down人生就像过山车
riding in a rollercoaster there be up n down起起落落落落
life's a rollercoaster I ain't scared of die人生的过山车我不惧死
life's a rollercoaster all the way to top人生的过山车一路到巅峰
hop in a coaster wtf it keeps going down never going up我的人生过山车最近不停下落
but it started to rise every day and nightmakes me horrified最近开始有点上升趋势反而让我莫名害怕
but I'm never running outta luck但我的好运永远不会消逝
now I got a little bit higher现在已经上升了一点
but all I see up here is a bunch of liars但我能看到的是一群骗子
only thing they're capable of keep on hating on each other他们能做的只有互相怨恨
I don't need no spy s need no undercover不用在我这里安排眼线卧底
warriors need no sidekicks e&m got it covered真正的斗士不需要跟班 e&m掌握一切
always pleasure having fun do not turn the lights on快乐永远是第一位的 请不要开灯
forget about all them downs there's no such thing as livin' wrong人生没有错误的选择 请不要指责
can't do things I desire then I would rather be gone做不了我心所向我还不如去s
I never would've been willing to risk my life when it本来不会致前途于未知的我
comes to this I think I wouldn't quit tryin'说到这件事却能不顾一切
I wouldn't force my feet into the shoes that's not my size我绝不会逼自己去做我能力之外的事情
quit the hating peace n love n nobody dies停止互相唾弃吧 世界还是充满爱的
他 他们都说你还不行他 就怕你实现梦想成真
everbody say god ain not my side bro别再抱怨生活了兄弟
love and loyalty that s what we stand for爱是一切的动力
他 他们都背对着你胡乱猜测表明如今行善接受了考验的还被讨厌
no one want to be the enemy没人敢与我为敌
I will protect to my family我在乎的是家人
I been drive around the city with my squad跟兄弟们在城市里穿梭
I been rolling rolling paper with my squad跟兄弟们一起赚钱一起花
自以为是的傻笑卓越的成绩打倒Shut the phuck up