I am a mermaid
With golden hair
I've never seen one like you
Not all us mermaids
Have silver tails
I have no tail at all
Well, I've never
Seen any mermaids
With knobbly knees
I'd say this tale
Was a touch too tall
Maybe a touch too tall
Sailors would smash on
My jagged rock
Lured by my siren's song
It isn't the
Song of the siren
That tortures men
That's where your theory
Goes sadly wrong
That's where it all goes wrong
I thought you'd know better
You know nothing
About mermaids
You know nothing
About sailors
I do
Much more than you
If you were a sailor
And heard my song
Would you be lured by me
I wouldn't be
Foolish enough to
Go near your rock
I'd steer my galleon out to sea
Lonely and lost at sea
Has somebody
Stolen my copy of brave new world
Why can that woman
Leave things all gone
My patience is wearing thin
Sorry for parting
1.Railway Station At Pau
2.Orchestral Intro (Act Two)
3.Mermaid Song
4.Leading Lady
5.On The Terrace
6.Jenny's Bedroom In Paris
7.Outside The Bedroom
8.Outside The Circus
9.Second Orchestral Interlude
10.George's Flat In Paris
11.Other Pleasures
12.The Garden At Pau
13.The House At Pau
14.She'd Be Far Better Off With You
15.There Is More To Love
16.The First Man You Remember
17.Up In The Pyrenees
18.The Vineyards At Pau
19.A Registry Office
20.A Military Camp In Malaya
21.A Cafe In Venice
22.Railway Station At Pau (incorporating Love Changes Everything)
23.A Circus In Paris
24.A Memory Of A Happy Moment
25.A Cafe In Montpellier
26.A Fairground In Paris
27.A Hay Loft
28.The Countryside Around The House
29.A Theatre In Paris
30.An Art Exhibition In Paris
31.A Small Theatre In Montpellier
32.At The Stage Door
33.George's House At Pau
34.First Orchestral Interlude
35.George's Study At Pau