制作: watt, Cashmere Cat & benny blanco
原唱:Benny blanco, Halsey & Khalid
When I was young, I fell in love
We used to hold hands, man, that was enough
Then we grew up, started to touch
Used to kiss underneath the light on the back of the bus
your daddy didn't like me much
And he didn't believe me when I said you were the one
every day she found a way out of the window to sneak out late
She used to meet me on the Eastside
In the city where the sun don't set
And every day you know that we ride
Through the backstreets in a blue Corvette
Baby, you know I just wanna leave tonight
We can go anywhere we want
Drive down to the coast, jump in the seat
Just take my hand and come with me
We can do anything if we put our minds to it
Take your whole life then you put a line through it
My love is yours if you're willing to take it
Give me your heart 'cause I ain't gonna break it
So come away, starting today
Start a new life, together in a different place
We know that love is how all these ideas came to be
So baby, run away with me
Seventeen , we got a dream to have a house and family
that I guaranteed ya
Cruising in the freeze make me feel the heat ya
Caught up in moment about just…you and me
教室里前后排的座 位 在角落的末 尾
落 了灰的桌椅靠背残留的墨 水
有过 欢笑和落 泪初体验的过 程
直到梦被现实撞得支离破 碎
这感觉叫作遗憾 让人情绪失控
走过那一段 跑偏的路却无从下手
十七年后 的你 又在何处随波逐流?
而我依旧踩着节奏说话 “喋喋不休”
let’s pretend…or…if I could do it all again
just take your hand straight go down the East
Peace,Sing it
We can do anything if we put the minds to it
Take your whole life then you put a line through it
My love is yours if you're willing to take it
Give me your heart 'cause I ain't gonna break it
So come away, starting today
Start a new life, together in a different place
We know that love is how these ideas came to be
So baby, run away with me
Run away now
Run away now
Run away now
Run away now
Run away now
Run away now
She used to meet me on the Eastside
She used to meet me on the Eastside
She used to meet me on the Eastside
She used to meet me on the Eastside
In the city where the sun don't set