Around the Curve of the World:Canticle 4: Praise to our God! (Chorus, Emigrant Woman, Emigrant Man)

1.Around the Curve of the World:Canticle 1: Praise the Lord (Emigrant Woman, Chorus, Emigrant Man)
2.Around the Curve of the World:Narrative 1: Now the Lord said unto Abraham (All)
3.Around the Curve of the World:First Psalm: I rise in the morning and hear Your voice (All)
4.Around the Curve of the World:Narrative 2: Behold, a sower went out to sow (All)
5.Around the Curve of the World:Canticle 1: The dry land is left behind (Chorus)
6.Around the Curve of the World:Narrative 3: Thus saith the Lord, for as the rain cometh down (John Godley, Charlotte Godley)
7.Around the Curve of the World:Second Psalm: How deep are your oceans! (All)
8.Around the Curve of the World:Narrative 4: The ship was now in the midst of the sea (John Godley, Emigrant Woman)
9.Around the Curve of the World:Canticle 3: The sea teems with life (Chorus)
10.Around the Curve of the World:Narrative 5: Now therefore ye are not strangers and sojourners (All)
11.Around the Curve of the World:Third Psalm: My breath lies quiet at the door of my mouth (Chorus)
12.Around the Curve of the World:Narrative 6: He is like the man which built an house (All)
13.Around the Curve of the World:Canticle 4: Praise to our God! (Chorus, Emigrant Woman, Emigrant Man)