I 'member just walking through a park.
Like I–I went out for a walk and I was just like,
"Bro, I'm terrified."
Like, I'm walking through this park
And I'm seeing this old woman walk with a dog,
I'm seeing these little kids play baseball,
And I'm like, "Every single person in this park is going to die
But his park will still be here.
And it was here before me and it's going to be here after me
And time is this thing that just keeps going with or without you."
So I start having a panic attack.
And I text my boy and he said to me,
Just one of the things that was the most
Like calming thing to me–he said,
"Man, if we didn't have death,
We wouldn't know how precious each breath was."
Death is the reminder that the moment that we have right now is so good
And that it's so valuable, but we take it for granted.
So, like, if you know it's coming, like,
This moment right now means literally the world.
So what are you gonna do with it?