Nodding tho the lamp's lit low, nod for passers underground.
在昏暗的烛光中昏昏欲睡 向地下的旅人点头致意
To and fro she's darning, and the land is weeping red and pale.
Weeping yarn from Algiers. Weeping yarn from Algiers.
阿尔及尔的哭泣纱线 阿尔及尔的哭泣纱线
Weaving tho the eyes are pale, what will rend will also mend.
目光苍白却依旧织布 被撕碎的终将会愈合
The sifting cloth is binding, and the dream she weaves will never end.
For we're marching toward Algiers. For we're marching toward Algiers.
因为我们在向阿尔及尔挺进 因为我们在向阿尔及尔挺进
Lullaby tho baby's gone. Lullaby a broken song.
婴儿去世了却仍唱着摇篮曲 一首支离破碎的摇篮曲
Oh, the cradle was our call. When it rocked we carried on.
噢,那摇篮是我们的机会啊 当它摇摆起来时我们才得以继续
And we marched on toward Algiers. For we're marching toward Algiers
我们在向阿尔及尔挺进 因为我们在向阿尔及尔挺进
We're still marching for Algiers. Marching, marching for Algiers.
我们仍在向阿尔及尔挺进 挺进 向阿尔及尔挺进
Not to hail a barren sky. Sifting cloth is weeping red.
别为荒芜的天空欢呼 筛布在哭泣中变得鲜红
The mourning veil is waving high a field of stars and tears we've shed.
哀悼的面纱被高高挥舞 我们对着一片星空流下了眼泪
In the sky a broken flag, children wave and raise their arms.
We'll be gone but they'll go on and on and on and on and on.
我们终将消逝但他们会延续 延续 延续 延续...