mirror mirror on the wall
tell me what you see
do i look perfect now
It's still the perfect me
coz i don't feel it way
all i feel is pain?
and all i see is falls
and by the ones who blame?
i can change the way i look
i want change my face
but i can change the way i feel
i can change my way
be who i wanna be
so what that you don't see
caught me lose
and state? me free
mirror mirror on the wall
you can't help me anymore
i am stronger now and i was weak before
and i'm walking outta your door
i'm gonna spread my wings and fly away
and i'm about to touch the sky
coz i know in my heart in my soul
i know i'm beautiful
i don't need to wear a mask
coz now i'm in control
It's not the way you look
It's the color of your soul
that's where i see myself
in a diffrent life
i can't appreciate
what i see
i wanna fly across the gal? i see
i'm gonna touch the hard and reach everywhere
i wanna travel across the universe
i'm gonna tell the world the beauty lies within