What's my name? What's my name? Badmon
我是谁?大坏蛋【Badmon是Joey Bada$$的昵称,同时也是他Instagram的用户名(JozifBadmon)】
What's my motherfuckin'
Ready to bust my gun, I'm rushin' in like Vladimir Putin
枪已上膛 我就像普京一样雷厉风行
What you want son? Fuck a rou-, let's get shootin'
还等什么 别玩虚的 真枪实弹一轮搞定【Roulette是轮盘赌的意思,指的是比较和平的解决战斗】
The 47 Goonz recruitin', join or die
加入我们或者闪到一边 【47是pro era的外号】
We comin' for groups of guys in suits and ties
Who choose to hide truth from the eye
眼神闪烁 生怕透露事实
Grab a white collar by his white evil eye
他们都是不可信的【这里的White evil eye,joey发成了white evil lie。white lie是善意的谎言。善意的魔鬼是不可信的,所以这些白领都是不可信的】
Fight or flight, yo, that's just what it is
迎战还是逃跑 就是这么简单
When you see a pig, hit him in his baby back ribs
碰到找麻烦的牲口 找到弱点把他干翻
But don't trip, I'm just another black kid, caught up in the mix
我只是另一个陷入混乱局面的小黑孩【这句歌词致敬了2PAC。在I get around中,2PAC用了这样一句歌词:i am just another black man caught up in th
Tryna make a dollar outta 47 cents
想要摆脱困境 挣笔大钱【Tryna Make a dollar outta x cents是一种通俗的说自己正在赚大钱的说法,x可以是任何一个数字,Joey用了47是因为47是pro era的外号。这
Yo, this shit is intense, a dumb cop stoppin' me, probably
但事情没这么简单 那个蠢条子想来找麻烦
Cause he's still livin' in the past tense, how shit was back then
They wanna see the downfall of all black men
看到黑人混得好就觉得不舒服 我理应改变这种局面
And African, I was sent to put action in
人们啊 请你们醒来吧【他尝试着用自己的歌词让人们知道警察各种滥用职权的事实】
But what's new when the po keep flashin' in?
News flash niggas, get a news flash
What's my name? What's my name? Badmon
他们手无寸铁 只能任我宰割
What's my motherfuckin'
These niggas ain't ready for the war
Know what I'm 'bout, cut the cheddar, close your drawer
Please put your bread up
We ain't gon' settle for no iceberg lettuce
Let us eat when there's war
【beef双关,1指牛肉,跟上面的廉价食物做对比,2指骂战,指对手的层次太低】可卡因在锅里煮着 我的朋友们都在厨房里【1.Fish = Fishscale, 俚语中得可
Or end up like venison meat in the street
当午夜到来 我们就要上街卖货了
They're not ready for beef
Let the fish burn in the pot, niggas all in the spot
When it turns 12 'o clock then, we'll be curvin' the block
戴上耳机 节奏把你击碎
Yo cut this shit
韵律像毒品注入 让你飘然欲仙【比喻他的音乐过耳不忘,十分有吸引力】
Man, I'm the best in the sector
正中靶心 灵感源源不绝 猜猜除了我还能有谁
Get your ear buds to grip, then I dissect ya
Inject ya with my lethal weapon
上一个想动我的家伙弱的不堪一击 我的音乐让他们闻风丧胆
Plant a mine in the deepest section, guess who's least expected
觉得我鲁莽 因为被我踩中要害
Mothafucka please respect it
点睛之笔太多 就算只听那些小样 也有风险【因为joey的demo是来自一个不可企及的高度的】
The last one to pull my card was easily dealt with
不妨来试试 让爆破专家上场
They felt it, the shift, records can't be reckoned with
这张专辑就像jayz的《蓝图》一样厉害【致敬jayz,他在蓝图里有一句话: My name is HOV, OH, H-to-the O-V】
On tracks wreckin' shit, ask me why I'm reckless
如果blue是个王子 我还是纽约之王【Joseph Kony双关1.圣主抵抗军的领袖2.King Of New York的开头字母】
Break a wrist, approach my demo with a risk
大家都知道 我不容他们小视
Brought my demo listens, I'm a demolition specialist
吹得再牛逼 对我而言都是小事
I got the blueprint to this shit, Jay to the Oh Vee
这里是PROERA 一群有着杀手式节奏天才儿童
If Blue was a prince, I'm still Joseph Kony
Niggas know they can't ever little bro me
No matter how big they blow, they still a little below
It's the P-R-O E-R-A, indigo with the killer flow
我年纪轻轻就成了pro era的首脑人物
Guaranteed the realest that you ever saw
What's my name? What's my name? Badmon
整夜未眠 第三只眼不曾疲倦
What's my motherfuckin'
The badmon young kingpin
99号【现在的人中只有1%是警察,99%都是普通人民,但是警察却不能代表人们的意见】永远别相信一只猪【swine指的是条子,跟前面的When you see a pig, hi
I move dope with that ink pen
Been up all night, my third eye ain't even blinkin'
Fuck what you thinkin'
Number 99, never trust no swine
Lick a shot one time
1.Save the Children
2.Greenbax (Introlude)
3.Paper Trail$
4.Piece of Mind
5.Big Dusty
6.Hazeus View
7.Like Me (feat. BJ the Chicago Kid)
8.Belly of the Beast (feat. Chronixx)
9.No. 99
10.Christ Conscious
11.On & On (feat. Maverick Sabre & Dymeond Lewis)
12.Escape 120 (feat. Raury)
13.Black Beetles
15.Curry Chicken
16.Run Up On Ya (feat. Action Bronson & Elle Varner) [Bonus Track]
17.Teach Me (feat. Kiesza) [Bonus Track]