Uh, could be friends with somebody
啊 可以交个盆友
Hehehe, ahh
My generation's afraid of opinions, y'all so intolerant (Y'all so intolerant)
我这一代人惧于发表见解 你们太不包容了
They're ashamed of themselves 'cause they're privileged and white or they're black and they're opposite (Black and they're opposite)
他们自惭形秽 因为他们是有特权的白人 抑或相反是黑人
You get charged for harassment for huggin' a woman and givin' a compliment (Givin' a compliment)
由于侵扰和恭维女性 你们受到指控
Y'all way too sensitive, yet, offended to death, bring all the coffins in
你们都显得敏感多疑 而又贪生怕死 冥室椟棺
I swear that y'all are mad at everything that don't affect your life, hey
我发誓 你们在对无关紧要的事气急败坏哈
I swear that y'all believe that bein' offended just means that you're right, hey
我敢肯定 你们都相信被抵制才意味着是对的
Swear that y'all just want to be the only ones who everyone likes, hey
我发誓 你们都想做众星捧月的那些人
I swear if I swear at you ninnies you probably so triggered you'd cry
我敢肯定 等你们年迈痴呆时 可能触动万分 会老泪纵横的
And nobody wants to be real, everyone's scared of how everyone feels
没人愿意真实 谁都害怕他人看法
We've become so ultra-sensitive and hyper-tolerant that honestly honesty gon' be illegal
我们变得异常机敏 过于宽容 说句实话昂 这不合法
It's crazy y'all get so shocked and bothered from people sayin' things that aren't responsible
太疯狂了 你们被满嘴跑火车的人打扰得不胜其烦
If that seems logical, y'all are weak then, if someone says retard it ruins your weekend
如果那样合乎逻辑 你们就弱爆了 若是有人说声傻缺 你们的周末就泡汤了
And that's retarded, my hair been in braids 'cause it looks hella awesome
傻冒 我把头发编成辫子 看起来是不是超超超美哒
Y'all like to scream I appropriate culture but I don't hear nothin', I'm payin' homage
你们都爱高喊“我欣赏文化但啥也不懂 我满怀敬意“
Y'all are just tryin' to get likes on your comments, Googlin' quotes that are socially conscious
你们就知道给自己脸上贴金 在网上找些符合社会意识形态的说辞
And sayin' you're woke doesn't make you a prophet, it makes you a liar and stupid obnoxious
然后说清醒的你们没成为先知 而是做了撒谎精和万人嫌
Always on that blah-blah, y'all should keep it to yourselves (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
总是在那儿吧啦吧啦 你们都该扪心自问哈
Miss me with that drama, you must think I'm someone else
怀念我演的那个戏 你必须把我当成其他人
'Cause y'all don't wanna **** with me
'Cause I don't feel the pressure, no I will not be censored
我没啥压力 不会被删的啦
I'm not afraid that's why they **** with me
为啥他们总找我茬呢 我天不怕地不怕啊
My name will be remembered, and I will live forever
我将名垂青史 永生不灭
I bet y'all hate that y'all are stuck with me
我敢打赌 你们都痛恨与我羁绊
Happy Halloween - for one evenin' only you wear what you want (What you want)
万圣节快乐哟 只有这天你可以想穿啥穿啥
Unless it's a poncho, a headdress or afro, you'll piss someone off, hey
除非是斗篷 头巾或者爆炸头 那就找骂了哈
I say Merry Christmas, but I know that it's 'bout to be gone
我说圣诞节快乐 但我知道是该溜了
If religious freedom's such a dire issue, why you dressed like a priest in October for fun
假若宗教自由是个严峻的命题 为啥你会为寻开心在十月份穿得像个牧师呢
Don't let 'em censor your thoughts, don't let 'em make you regret that you talked
别让他们声讨你的思考 别因此对所言后悔
Don't let 'em tell you that nice is the law, tryna make you all right here when nothin' is wrong, yeah
别听他们说法律至高无上 试着让你自己变成无法撼动的真理
Words hurt you, clothes hurt you, memes hurt you, jokes hurt you, we hurt you
话语 衣着 烂梗 笑话 还有我们都会令你痛苦【注:meme是指在同一个文化氛围中,人与人之间传播的思想、行为或者风格,目前在大众非学术范围内可翻译为“梗”。】
Half the time you don't even probably know what hurt you, but you super mad, trust we heard you
人生中一半的时间你甚至不清楚受到何种伤害 但你超级愤懑 相信我们明白
You a pawn in a broken system, are you triggered much? You been showin' symptoms
你是残兵败将 后来触底反弹了吗 显而易见哈
Y'all are so addicted to bein' hopeless victims y'all could crash a plane and blame the road conditions
你们甘愿当绝望的受害者 你们击落飞机却将其归咎于路况
And your only sickness is your social vision, makes you scared of choices but you're pro-decision
你们仅有的弊病就是社会愿景 使你们选择困难但决策优先
So you march a lot but never go the distance, yellin' way too loud until no one listens
所以你们事倍功半 口若悬河直到无人问津
Always on that blah-blah, y'all should keep it to yourselves (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
总是在那儿吧啦吧啦 你们都该扪心自问哈
Miss me with that drama, you must think I'm someone else
怀念我演的那个戏 你必须把我当成其他人
'Cause y'all don't wanna **** with me
'Cause I don't feel the pressure, no I will not be censored
我没啥压力 不会被删的啦
I'm not afraid that's why they **** with me
为啥他们总找我茬呢 我天不怕地不怕啊
My name will be remembered, and I will live forever
我将名垂青史 永生不灭
I bet y'all hate that y'all are stuck with me
我敢打赌 你们都痛恨与我羁绊
You look like the devil, you sound like some Christians
你们面目狰狞 到处播撒福音
You just won a medal for askin' permission
You just want a pat on the back in addition
此外你们还想获得赞扬【注:a pat on the back为习语,意为“赞许,表扬”】
To bein' so tolerant, fine I admit it
搞得这么慈悲 行吧我服了
You're nicer, you're better, you're righter, you're brilliant
你们更亲切 你们更棒 你们更正确 你们很机智
Most sensitive creatures in all of existence
My freedom of thought should be censored with prison
The world would be better if we weren't so different, huh
我们都趋同 世界更美好哈
Always on that blah-blah, y'all should keep it to yourselves (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
总是在那儿吧啦吧啦 你们都该扪心自问哈
Miss me with that drama, you must think I'm someone else
怀念我演的那个戏 你们必须把我当成其他人
'Cause y'all don't wanna **** with me
'Cause I don't feel the pressure, no I will not be censored
我没啥压力 不会被删的啦
I'm not afraid that's why they **** with me
为啥他们总找我茬呢 我天不怕地不怕啊
My name will be remembered, and I will live forever
我将名垂青史 永生不灭
I bet y'all hate that y'all are stuck with me
我敢打赌 你们都痛恨与我羁绊