Please don't make a song on race
Please don't make a song on guns
Please don't rap 'bout girls and chains
Please don't rap 'bout doin' drugs
Please don't sell out, please don't fail us
请你不要成为畅销歌手 别让我们失望了
Please don't kill yourself and blame us
Please don't blow up, please get better
请你别火起来 但也要保持进步
Please stay underground forever
Please don't let the money change you
Please be good with what you've made
Please remain who you were when we found you half way in your grave
Are you depressed again?
Write about it, please explain
'Cause when you feel like dyin', that **** just helps me through my day
Look I ain't changin' for a buck, I ain't changin' for a fan
I ain't changin' nothin' up this is who the **** I am
我不会做出任何改变 我就这个diao样
If you **** with me I'll hope y'all enjoy it
如果你喜欢我 我希望你享受这个状态
Beware of all the fake fans tryin' to destroy it, yeah
I am switchin' it up, I am the man that I was
我不可能改变自己 我就这个diao样
Way before I blew up, and everyone fell in love
在我成名之前 大家早已爱上我
Never once gave a ****, been doin' me from the jump
从来不吊别人怎么想 一直保持自我
And I will never become the man that you wish I was
You ain't, you ain't, you ain't my mama (Yeah)
你又不是我老妈 你凭啥提建议
You ain't, you ain't, you ain't my boss (Woo)
你又不是我老板 你说的我不听
You ain't, you ain't, you ain't my papa (Yeah)
你又不是我老爸 我干啥听你的
You ain't the Jesus on the cross (God bless you though)
Please stop using auto-tune 'cause you sound great, I love your voice
我喜欢你本身的声音 请你不要用auto tone
Please don't drink to kill the pain, you sobered up and made that choice
既然你选择了清醒 就说明你做出了选择 请你不要喝酒排忧
Please don't stop responding to my comments if you took it wrong
如果你理解错了我的意思 那请别回复我的评论
Please don't ever come down off that pedestal I put you on
Please don't contradict yourself and make songs with those famous rappers
请你别反驳自己 也不要写些招惹出名歌手的作品
Please just barely pay your rent, I'll buy your t-shirt, autograph it
请你继续生活在勉强支付房租的日子里 我会买你的T恤支持你 哦对记得签名喔
Please don't ever change your style, or cut your hair, or switch your side
请你别改变自己的风格 别剪自己的头发 也不要改变自己的立场
Do that and I'll leave you, please just stay the same until you die
不听我的建议我就不支持你了哦 请你终身保持这个样子
Look I ain't changin' for a buck, I ain't changin' for a fan
I ain't changin' nothin' up, this is who the **** I am
我不会做出任何改变 我就这个diao样
If you **** with me I'll hope y'all enjoy it
如果你喜欢我 我希望你享受这个状态
Beware of all the fake fans tryin' to destroy it, yeah
I am switchin' it up, I am the man that I was
我不可能改变自己 我就这个diao样
Way before I blew up, and everyone fell in love
在我成名之前 大家早已爱上我
Never once gave a ****, been doin' me from the jump
从来不吊别人怎么想 一直保持自我
And I will never become the man that you wish I was
You ain't, you ain't, you ain't my mama (Yeah)
你又不是我老妈 你凭啥提建议
You ain't, you ain't, you ain't my boss (Woo)
你又不是我老板 你说的我不听
You ain't, you ain't, you ain't my papa (Yeah)
你又不是我老爸 我干啥听你的
You ain't the Jesus on the cross (God bless you though)
Please don't talk about politics, please don't talk about God
请别谈论政治 也别谈论上帝
Please don't get no more tattoos, I think you've got a lot
你不要再文身了 我觉得你的已经够多了
Please don't disagree with me I only want the best for you
请不要反驳我 我这是为你好
I only want what I agree with, I don't want the rest of you
我只想要我认同的那部分你 其他样子的你我不想看
Please take shots at mumble rappers, love it when you make those records
请你diss那些mumble rapper 我超爱你diss他们时的样子
Please don't talk about mental health I have never had depression
请你别讲那些精神健康的问题 我又没有抑郁症
I only like your songs if when I listen I relate
The rest of your music is just rappin' that I really hate
你余下的那些作品只是在说唱 而我真的觉得很垃圾
Look I ain't changin' for a buck, I ain't changin' for a fan
I ain't changin' nothin' up, this is who the **** I am
我不会做出任何改变 我就这个diao样
If you **** with me I'll hope y'all enjoy it
如果你喜欢我 我希望你享受这个状态
Beware of all the fake fans tryin' to destroy it, yeah
I am switchin' it up, I am the man that I was
我不可能改变自己 我就这个diao样
Way before I blew up, and everyone fell in love
在我成名之前 大家早已爱上我
Never once gave a ****, been doin' me from the jump
从来不吊别人怎么想 一直保持自我
And I will never become the man that you wish I was
You ain't, you ain't, you ain't my mama (Yeah)
你又不是我老妈 你凭啥提建议
You ain't, you ain't, you ain't my boss (Woo)
你又不是我老板 你说的我不听
You ain't, you ain't, you ain't my papa (Yeah)
你又不是我老爸 我干啥听你的
You ain't the Jesus on the cross (God bless you though)
If y'all are triggered bro whatcha listen for
如果你们感觉被冒犯了 你干嘛还要继续听
I don't get it bro act invincible
我真的就不太懂 你们好像战无不胜的无脑网友哦
Y'all are b****es though
I ain't switchin' bro, nothin's different though
我还是我 哪哪都没变
If you can't stand the heat then get the **** up out that kitchen bro
你要是受不了我 你哪凉快哪呆着去
I am switchin' it up, I am the man that I was
我不可能改变自己 我就这个diao样
Way before I blew up, and everyone fell in love
在我成名之前 大家早已爱上我
Never once gave a ****, been doin' me from the jump
从来都不关心那些 一直坚持自我
And I will never become the man that you wish I was
You ain't, you ain't, you ain't my mama (Yeah)
你又不是我老妈 你凭啥提建议
You ain't, you ain't, you ain't my boss (Woo)
你又不是我老板 你管的还真宽
You ain't, you ain't, you ain't my papa (Yeah)
你又不是我老爸 我干啥听你的
You ain't the Jesus on the cross (God bless you though)
If y'all are triggered bro whatcha listen for
如果你们感觉被冒犯了 你干嘛还要继续听
I don't get it bro act invincible
我真的就不太懂 你们好像战无不胜的无脑网友哦
Y'all are b****es though
I ain't switchin' bro, nothin's different though
我还是我 哪哪都没变
If you can't stand the heat then get the **** up out that kitchen bro
你要是受不了我 你哪凉快哪呆着去