Lilith (Original Mix)

I'll still enchant you capture your soul
穷其一生 也要使你神魂颠倒 将你灵魂玩弄于掌
A slave to my love bring me your all
无可救药 用我如血真爱把你奴役 剥露给我你的一切
Irresistible my siren my song
抵挡已是徒劳 你的塞壬盘坐在那礁石 歌喉曼妙
Crumbles you down and haunts you to the ground (Put us in the war)
耳畔厮语 魅惑 直至你身被俘虏 甘心跪拜于我裙下(战火已燎原!)
And haunts you to the ground
靡靡天籁 缭绕 直随你到天涯海角 炼狱或是天堂
Bring me your all
在我面前 你毫无秘密可言
Let chaos arise a sword through your heart
尘埃趋于静息 混沌瞬而蒸腾 冰冷长剑正刺你心脏
My lips of peace whisper and cage your chivalry
朱唇轻启 披着求和的外衣 却一石激起千层浪 涣散一片军心
Put us in the war a massacre of love
战鼓擂响 硝烟弥漫 为戮杀赋以爱之名义
It won't be won with both sides in shards
谈何凯旋辉煌?若哀鸿遍野 两败俱伤
So have a dance with demons I'll give you a kiss
魁魅魍魉 与之共舞吧 馈礼是我永不磨灭的吻痕
Turn you in a believer I know that I'll win
烙印之后 你就成为我忠贞不渝的信徒 将胜利拱手相让
I know that love wins I know that love wins
但我了然 这胜利是爱的垂赐 自独属我一人
I'll still enchant you and all you endure
穷其一生 也要使你神魂颠倒 突破你按捺的极限
I'm a home of your heart feeding you a lure
无处安放 让我来做你的心之栖居 步步惊心诱你入巢
Irresistible my siren my song
抵挡已是徒劳 你的塞壬盘坐在那礁石 歌喉曼妙
Crumbles you down
魅惑 直至你身被俘虏 如决堤崩溃
Bring me your all
剥露给我你的一切 血肉 魂魄 和肺腑
Bring me your all
在我面前 你毫无秘密可言
1.Lilith (Original Mix)