St. Luke Passion:Part III: And there followed him a great company of people (Chorus, Baritone)

1.St. Luke Passion:Part I: Crucify him (Chorus, Baritone)
2.St. Luke Passion:Part II: Behold (Chorus, Mezzo-soprano)
3.St. Luke Passion:Part III: And there followed him a great company of people (Chorus, Baritone)
4.St. Luke Passion:Part IV: Shema Yisrael (Mezzo-soprano, Chorus)
5.St. Luke Passion:Part V: Father, forgive them (Tenor, Mezzo-soprano, Chorus)
6.St. Luke Passion:Part VI: And they parted his raiment (Mezzo-soprano, Baritone, Tenor, Chorus)
7.St. Luke Passion:Part VII: And the soldiers mocked him (Chorus, Mezzo-soprano, Baritone)
8.St. Luke Passion:Part VIII: Does that lamp still burn (Baritone, Tenor, Chorus, Mezzo-soprano)
9.A Drop in the Ocean
10.The First Tears
11.Litany of the Heavens