Am i running through you head like you're running through mine ?
你在我脑中奔走的同时 我会不会也浮现在你脑海
Once in a while or all the time ?
是一时轻狂 还是一向如此
Back to the bar we met, ordered the same drink
兜转回我们邂逅的酒吧 点着同样的饮料
Just to pour it out in the bathroom sink
Are you coming home to me ?
你是否就要回家 回到我身旁
I'll be here waiting patiently
我就在这里 耐心地等待着你
God knows i tried to let you know
I'll be lost if you ever go
你若离我而去 我便会迷失途中
Are you coming, are you coming, are you coming back ?
你是否 是否 是否已经踏上了归路
What day is it i'm losing track
模糊了时间的概念 不知道今朝为何日
Are you coming, are you coming, are you coming back ?
你是否 是否 是否就要回到我身边
I'll be on the front porch with my bags all packed
我已经收拾好行李 在我们的起点等你
Would you hold your ground if i held to mine ?
如果我坚定我的初衷 你能否也不忘本心
Cause it's been messing with my mind
And when it rains, you're not around
当瓢泼大雨降下 你却不在身边
I left wondering where do i go now
那我便会孑然一人 不知归处
Are you coming home to me ?
你是否就要回家 回到我身旁
I'll be here waiting patiently
我就在这里 耐心地等待着你
God knows i tried to let you know
I'll be lost if you ever go
你若离我而去 我便会迷失途中
Are you coming, are you coming, are you coming back ?
你是否 是否 是否已经踏上了归路
What day is it i'm losing track
模糊了时间的概念 不知道今朝为何日
Are you coming, are you coming, are you coming back ?
你是否 是否 是否就要回到我身边
I'll be on the front porch with my bags all packed
我已经收拾好行李 在我们的起点等你
Are you coming, are you coming, are you coming back ?
你是否 是否 是否已经踏上了归路
What day is it i'm losing track
模糊了时间的概念 不知道今朝为何日
Are you coming, are you coming, are you coming back ?
你是否 是否 是否就要回到我身边
I'll be on the front porch with my bags all packed
我已经收拾好行李 在我们的起点等你