Soldiers in Hiding / The Americans Prepare

2.Aerial Pursuit (Kiley's Plane Chase Hessler's Car)
3.Backt to Base / Hessler's Arrival
4.The Plan of Attack / Tank Inspection
5.Christmas in Ambleve / The Americans Debate
6.Interlude with a Courtesan 1st Class
7.The German Tanks Emerge and Break Through
8.First Battle Tank
9.Massacre at Malmedy (The Massacre of the American Prisoners)
10.The Armaments Train
11.The Siege of Ambleve
12.Night Assault on Ambleve
13.Soldiers in Hiding / The Americans Prepare
14.Hessler in High Spirits. Flight Through the Fog
15.Final Tank Battle
16.The Attack on the Fuel Depot Fails and Hessler Is Killed
17.The Panzermen Abandon Their Tanks. Victory and Postlude