Just play faster than you give f*cking hand jobs, will you please?
Not even f*cking close
Is that really the fastest you can play
You worthless Hymie f*ck?
We will stay here for as long as it takes
Until one of you fag*ots can play in time
If you deliberately sabotage my band
I will f*ck you like a pig
Now, are you a rusher, or are you a dragger?
Or are you gonna be on my f*cking time?!
What, are you in a f*cking acapella group?
Play the godd*mn kit!
Not my f*cking tempo!
Not my f*cking tempo!
You are a worthless, friendless, fa*got-lipped piece of sh*t
Who's over my drum set like a f*cking 9 year old girl
So for the final father-f*cking time, say it louder!
Then why the f*ck didn't you say so?!
So now you have it, right?
1.Not My Tempo