Aallon kehtolaulu (Lullaby to a Breaker)

1.Sunnuntaina (On Sunday)
2.Skymning (Twilight)
3.Puhjetessa kukka puhtahin (A Flower is Purest When Blossoming)
4.Kanteleelle (To the Kantele)
5.Suvirannalla (Summer Shore)
6.Nar alla klockor klamtat tolf (When All Clocks Have Struck Twelve)
7.Koyha (The Poor One)
8.Kehtolaulu (Lullaby): Liekku liiku (Rock, O Cradle)
9.En drommares sang till livet (A Dreamer's Song to Life)
10.Du (You)
11.Isanmaan kasvot (The Face of the Fatherland)
12.Aallon kehtolaulu (Lullaby to a Breaker)
13.I solnedgangen (At Sunset)
14.Laula, laula! (Sing, Sing!)
15.Solsken (Sunshine)
16.Unelma (Dream)
18.En spel - och dansvisa (A Fiddling and Dancing Tune)
20.Kehtolaulu (Lullaby): Hiljaa, hiljaa (Soft, soft)
21.Toivoni (My Hope)
22.Leivo (The Lark)