Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay
It's Nigo World!
Okay, 'kay, 'kay, 'kay, 'kay, 'kay, 'kay, 'kay, 'kay, 'kay, 'kay, okay
Produced by The Neptunes
A$AP Rocky, nigga
A$AP Rocky
Pretty Flacko, nigga
(第一部分 A$AP Rocky as “Lost”)
A$AP shit, nigga
A$AP Forever
I just want my credit like I'm Soulja
一心堆积起金钱 就像是Soulja Boy
Camo like Rambo, big draco 'cross the shoulder
全身迷彩 就像Rambo上校 强力火器肩上背
I'm fine-tuned on iTunes if you shuffle
若你需要微调 我会把你连接到iTunes上调试(iPod Shuffle播放器)
Test the boy le suess like I came to tune your motor
跟这小子好好练练 就像我来给你调马达
Mother****er, mumble rapper, I'd rather be a mogul
与其当一个只会无病呻吟的mumble说唱歌手 我还不如赚上一笔当商业大亨
Million dollar market deals closin' on my mobile
手机在手 许多百万级的交易便在我手中达成
Keep the grass cut, got a phobia for cobra
如同割草一般 手持火器 时刻保持对我们的恐惧
You should low-key **** the world when I'm vulgar
当世人对我保持着俗不可耐的印象 你将保持低调 并说一句“去他的世界”(f the world致敬2pac)
Man I used to listen to that nigga when I was younger
Found out he's a poser when I got a 'lil older
等我长大一点时 发现他是个装腔作势的人
My bitch used to model for the Vogue, but she older
我女人(前任)以前是《VOGUE》封面的模特 但她现在已经人老珠黄
A truce and a foe, sittin' 'round watchin' poker
与敌人休战 现在我们坐在一起打扑克
No buns in the oven, or babies in the stroller
烤箱里没有面包 婴儿车里没婴儿
Just guns in the cupboard, and some ladies comin' over
只有火器在柜子里躺着 还有我请进门的漂亮姑娘
See I'm a pretty boy, manicures with the rollers
我保持着翩翩风度 用卷发器修指甲
And babushkas on the head, like grandmothers and the Roman
头上戴着头巾 就像我的祖母 和罗马人一样(头上戴方巾是Rocky出镜率较高的穿搭)
Some women throw me bras, some women throw me roses
有些女人扔给我bra 有些女人扔给我玫瑰(Rocky现场发生的真实场景)
Might even flash a titty while she on a nigga shoulders
They goin' crazy at my shows, she passed out if I noticed her
他们在我的现场个个纯走疯狂 如果我注意到她 她就高兴地晕过去
Yeah, we in the buildin' 'til the shit is forced for closure
我们在摩天大楼里狂嗨 直到派对结束
Yeah, we not the same, I ain't tryna play it like a lame nigga
我们绝不是一路人 我不会像个蹩脚货那样拉跨
Switch a gang, switch the beat, like the track that's playin' (That's playin')
交换帮派 交换节拍 就像那此刻正在播放的音乐
Ayo (Woo, woo)
(第二部分 Tyler, The Creator as “Found”)
Bitch, I called you a Uber, and that's the only way I'm giving you payback (Yeah)
妹子 我打辆出租车把你安全送回家 这是我回报你的唯一方式
My shit nasty like that one nigga from A$AP
痞气又不失风度 就像那个叫Rakim Mayers的小子(Nasty也双关A$AP Mob成员A$AP Nast)
Been ill since I was twelve, was Rocky but ended swell
十二岁之前我是个无名之辈 但和Rocky Illz的相识让我生涯一路直升(歌词中的Been ill便指的是A$AP Mob成员A$AP Illz)
Now say Tyler, watch these mother****ers start ringing bells (Ding-dong)
现在提起“泰勒造物主”的大名 狂热的粉丝们摇铃欢呼
'Cause I spit fire, and shit cold
因为我的词中喷火 但同时我又保持冷酷(Goblin等早期Tyler作品的风格)
This shit so mean, nice rocks and I get stones
这玩意太难以置信了 我手中拿到的绝对都是上等珠宝
This shit so clean and bright, bold (Yeah)
如此干净 明亮 大胆的艺术之作
The gold got a grip hold
All these Lucky Charms like a thick bowl
整一大把早餐麦片 看起来像个厚厚的碗
The diamonds all appraised (Nigga), yeah
Y'all go to Avianne and y'all get a lease in that bitch
某些人本来没钱 为了装叉 跑到珠宝店去租珠宝
My earlobes got them yellow boogers like I sneezed in that bitch (Achoo)
耳垂上的黄钻耀眼 就像我往那女人身上打喷嚏一样(Tyler经常在歌曲中提到他的黄钻耳环)
Your 808s is dry, you need to put some grease in that bitch
你这808玩的也太干巴了 你得往里“上点油”
And let it sit, nigga
哥们 你先冷静会吧
**** what you heard, and **** rap, I make a living off that 4-letter word (GOLF)
从不在乎流言蜚语 我靠那四个字母的单词谋生(即Tyler的潮牌GOLF WANG)
One-stop shop, nigga, just to sell them shoes
一站式商店 就为了卖鞋给他们(CONVERSE和GOLF WANG的联名一经发布很快受到无数人追捧)
The profit margins lookin' higher than them airplane views
Y'all getting ****ed in your deals, and they share that lube
你们在交易中被耍了 他们给你设下了圈套
I push the cum-colored Beamer and the inside blue (Skrrrt)
驾驶多色调宝马车 里面内饰通体蓝色调(BMW M3 E30一直都是Tyler的最爱车型)
I push an Elon too, and the 675
转发一条Elon Musk的推文 坐在675 COFFEE享受下午茶时光(推文指Elon Musk那条“To The Moon”的推文)
The long tail, like the mane that's on A$AP Lou
长尾造型 就像A$AP Lou身上的鬃毛装饰品(A$AP Lou:A$AP Mob成员)
Whips, whips, whips, whips, Kunta started a fight
发动绝地反击 就像Kunta Kinte的奋起反抗(Kunta Kinte:小说《根源:美国家庭的传奇》中的角色 是一名被奴隶主带到美国奴役的奴隶)
The 720 ordered and I still go ride me a bike
Air Max 720上脚 我依然骑着自行车(Tyler骑自行车出镜率较高)
But don't follow in yours (Nah), Vill behind me in sight (Yeah)
但别跟我的风 Vill始终在我的视线后面
My niggas strictly like 9s, like young Mike and his type (Pew-pew)
兄弟们都喜欢穿AJ9 就像年轻时候的乔丹 和他喜欢的类型/球鞋配色
Rip, you better zip that lip and zip up quick
最好闭上你那没把门的嘴 就像拉上你的外套拉链一样
And shit, he'd probably suck my dick and kiss his bitch (Mwah)
他可能会先给我吹 然后再去亲他女朋友
It's two sides to each coin, I call heads (Heads)
每枚硬币都有两面 但我偏爱正面
Been countin' so much goddamn coin, my palm red (Uh)
数了那么多枚的硬币 我的手掌都发红了
I spend it on some books and some diamonds that shed light
And them hoes shine just like the top of a bald head, nigga
那些女人穿金戴银 就像那寸草不生的光头一样闪闪发光
Hahahahahaha, yeah
2.Functional Addict
3.Come On, Let's Go
5.Lost and Found Freestyle 2019
6.Hear Me Clearly
8.Paper Plates
9.Morë Tonight
10.Want It Bad
11.Punch Bowl