I'm Serching for something that might not exist
I'm Serching for something that might not exist
Does that make me a dreamer or just foolish
I'm searching for something
I don't know what it is
What if it's a wish and betrays me
What if I'm a heart never satisfied
I wonder if my mind imitates me
I wonder what I'll find
When I'm looking blind
It's like I'm walking on the ocean floor
It's like a dream I've had
No I've been here before
I'm way down here
And nobody knows
I feel the gravity
As I watch you float in the tide
I'm waiting for something
That might never come
I'm waiting for something
That might never come
Am I touching the bottom or wasting fun
I'm waiting for something or someone
What if it's a wish and betrays me
What if I'm a heart never satis fied
I wonder if my mind imitates me
I wonder what I'll find
When I'm looking blind
It's like I'm walking on the ocean floor
It's like a dream I've had
No I've been here before
I'm way down here
And nobody knows
I feel the gravity
As I watch you float in the tide