Medley Of Traditional Songs (Sung After the Festive Meal): Vayhi Bachatsi Haloyloh; Ki Lo Noeh-Ki Lo Yoeh; Adir Hu; Echod Mi Yodea (Voice)

1.Kiddush (Prayer of Sanctification) (Voice)
2.Ma Nishtano (Voice)
3.Dayeinu (It Would Suffice Us) (Voice)
4.B'chol Dor Vodor (Voice)
5.B'tseis Yisroel Mimitsroyim (Voice)
6.Medley Of Traditional Songs (Sung After the Festive Meal): Vayhi Bachatsi Haloyloh; Ki Lo Noeh-Ki Lo Yoeh; Adir Hu; Echod Mi Yodea (Voice)
7.Chad Gad'yo (Voice)
8.Hodu Ladoshem (Voice)
9.Pis'chu Li Shaarei Tsedek (Voice)
10.Ribono Shel Olom (Voice)
11.Tal Tein (Voice)
12.Tal Bo (Voice)
13.Ein Keloheinu (There Is None Like Our God) (Voice)
14.Adon Olom (Voice)