The Wavebreaker -Overdrive
Look up to the sky and gaze at the stars
Softly shining through forever it may seem
For each and everyone of them
Left up there together
And forever and one to be missed to be known
So significant one of the strong
Here to make a change
On that night the flood stood high
Higher than ever before
He appeared as from heaven sent
Like divine his actions were told
He's the man who will stand by your side
He's the man
He's the man with the power to stand his ground
Once again I look in the mirror
I don't know who I am
A new day another way
A new chance to make things right
Hold on let us believe we are ten thousand strong
Hold on maybe one day we will learn
To stand up on our ground
We set our sails and leave our haven our sanctuary
We're heading out to face the ocean
So many ships passing by crossing paths to other directions
Out in the far a collision course
Clearly we see it in our reach a wreckage about to be
Uncomfortably numb struck a nerve must not interrupt our course
We catch our breath and pretend it never occurred
Just pretend
Just pretend someone else will be saving the day
Go to a safe port your actions will define you
How long can we go on
Before the tide will reach and soak you
But hold on he is there occasionally
Hold on always a giver of inner strength
He's the man that will stand by your side
He's the man
He's the man who will rumble the towers to the core
He's the man with no virtue to fight but for you
Only you you must save to be true to yourself
Come nightfall come
Let stars shine upon me
Is this make believe
A false imagination
That fear for the unknown lives in us all
Forgive me oh holy light but I still doubt