May I set the stage? I shall impersonate a man.
Come, enter into my imagination and see him!
His name... Alonso Quijana... a country squire,
no longer young... bony, hollow-faced... eyes
that burn with the fire of inner vision. Being
retired, he has much time for books. He studies
them from morn to night and often through the
night as well. And all he reads oppresses him...
fills him with indignation at man's murderous
ways toward man. And he conceives the strangest
project ever imagined... to become a knight-errant
and sally forth into the world to right all
wrongs. No longer shall he be plain Alonso Quijana...
but a dauntless knight known as -
Don Quixote de La Mancha!
1.Endless Possibility
2.Cutscene - Opening
3.Cutscene - A New Journey
4.Apotos - Day
5.Windmill Isle - Day
6.Cutscene - The First Night
7.Cutscene - Tails In Trouble!
8.Intro: Windmill Isle - Night
9.Windmill Isle - Night
10.Apotos - Night
11.Cutscene - To Spagonia!
12.Tornado Defense - 1st Battle
13.Mazuri - Night
14.Intro: Savannah Citadel - Night
15.Savannah Citadel - Night
16.Cutscene - Same As Ever
17.Cutscene - Gaia Manuscripts
18.Cutscene - Eggman Again
19.Cutscene - Sonic Appears
20.Mazuri - Day
21.Savannah Citadel - Day
22.Cutscene - The Egg Beetle
23.Boss Battle - Day
24.Boss Stage Clear
25.Cutscene - Temple Activated!
26.Cutscene - Planet Pieces
27.Holoska - Day3:01
28.Cool Edge - Day5:22
29.Spagonia - Night
30.Intro: Rooftop Run - Night
31.Rooftop Run - Night
32.The World Adventure - Orchestral Theme
33.Gaia Gate
34.Chun-nan - Night
35.Intro: Dragon Road - Night
36.Dragon Road - Night
37.Boss Battle - Night
38.Cutscene - Eggman's Idea
39.Rooftop Run - Day
40.Spagonia - Day
41.Chun-nan - Day
42.Dragon Road - Day
43.Holoska - Night
44.Intro: Cool Edge - Night
45.Cool Edge - Night
46.Cutscene - Project Dark Gaia
47.Shamar - Day
48.Arid Sands - Day
49.Empire City - Night
50.Intro: Skyscraper Scamper - Night
51.Skyscraper Scamper - Night
52.Shamar - Night
53.Intro: Arid Sands - Night
54.Arid Sands - Night
55.vs. Titan & Big Mother
56.Empire City - Day
57.Skyscraper Scamper - Day
58.Stage Clear
59.Result Screen - E Rank
60.The World Adventure - Piano Version
61.The World Adventure - Jingle
62.Werehog Battle Theme
63.Adabat - Night
64.Intro: Jungle Joyride - Night
65.Jungle Joyride - Night
66.Adabat - Day
67.Jungle Joyride - Day
68.Cutscene - Chip's Change
69.Cutscene - Chip's Memories
70.Cutscene - No Reason
71.Tornado Defense - 2nd Battle
72.Cutscene - Eggmanland
73.Eggmanland Entrance
74.Eggmanland - Day
75.Eggmanland - Night
76.Cutscene - The 7th Continent
77.Cutscene - Congratulations
78.Cutscene - The Egg Dragoon
79.vs. Egg Dragoon
80.Cutscene - Dark Gaia Appears
81.Cutscene - Shrines in Flight
82.Cutscene - Hour of Awakening
83.vs. Dark Gaia
84.Cutscene - Dark World ~ Hope and Despair
85.Cutscene - The Final Form
86.Super Sonic vs. Perfect Dark Gaia
87.Cutscene - Annihilation
88.Cutscene - Rekindled Light ~ Save the Speech!
89.Cutscene - To the Surface
90.Cutscene - Always
91.Dear My Friend