I Saw You Walking In The Rain 歌词
i saw you (and her)walking in the rain
you were holding hands and i will never
i saw you (and her)walking in the rain
be the same
you were holding hands and i will never
be the same
tossing and turning another sleepless ni
the rain crashes against my window pane
jumped into my car didn't drive too far
that moment i know i would never be the
i saw you (and her)walking in the rain
you were holding hands and i will never
be the samei saw you (and her)walking i
n the rain
you were holding hands and i will never
be the same
now here you are begging to me
to give our love another try
boy i love you and i always will
but darling right now i've got to say go
i saw you (and her)walking in the rain
you were holding hands and i will never
be the same
i saw you (and her)walking in the rain
you were holding hands and i will never
be the same
女:hi baby how was your day today?
男:i love you,i want you,baby.
女:you miss me?well ,i missed you too
男:hey,come on baby
女:i missed you so much that i followed
you today
男:what?you followed me?
女:yeah,that's right.i saw you with th
at girl.
男:what girl?
女:walking on the street,kissing her,hol
ding her hand and now you come back to m
e ?no ,baby,forget you but i love you ,
and i can't see you no more.
i saw you (and her)walking in the rain
you were holding hands and i will never
be the same