Billy Budd, Act 3:"Poor fellow, who could save him?" (First Lieutenant, Sailing Master, Ratcliffe, Vere)

1.Billy Budd, Act 1:Prelude
2.Billy Budd, Act 1:"Pull, my bantams" (First Mate, Second Mate, Sailing Master, Bosun, Midshipmen, Donald, maintop, Novice, Squeak, First Lieutenant, seamen)
3.Billy Budd, Act 1:"Send for John Claggart" (First Lieutenant, Sailing Master, Ratcliffe, Claggart, Red Whiskers, Jones, Billy)
4.Billy Budd, Act 1:"Billy Budd, King of the birds!" (Billy, Sailing Master, First Lieutenant, Ratcliffe, seamen's voices)
5.Billy Budd, Act 1:"I heard, your honour!" (Claggart, Squeak, Sailor)
6.Billy Budd, Act 1:"Come along, Kid!" (Novice's friend, Novice, seamen)
7.Billy Budd, Act 1:"Christ, the poor chap..." (Billy, Dansker, Red Whiskers, Donald, Claggart, First Mate, Second Mate, Bosun, seamen)
8.Billy Budd, Act 1:"Vere! Vere!" - Officers and men of the Indomitable..." (Seamen, Vere, Billy)
9.Billy Budd, Act 2:"My compliments..." (Vere, Cabin Boy, First Lieutenant, Sailing Master)
10.Billy Budd, Act 2:"Don't like the french!" (Sailing Master, First Lieutenant, Vere)
11.Billy Budd, Act 2:"Oh, that's nothing" (Vere, First Leutenant, Sailing Master, Ratcliffe, seamen)
12.Billy Budd, Act 2:Interlude / "Blow her away..." (Seamen)
13.Billy Budd, Act 2:"Here lads!" (Donald, Red Whiskers, Billy, Dansker, Squeak, seamen)
14.Billy Budd, Act 2:"Come out of that" (Billy, Squeak, Claggart, Dansker, Cabin Boy, seamen)
15.Billy Budd, Act 2:"O beauty, o handsomeness" (Claggart)
16.Billy Budd, Act 2:"Come here! Remenber your promise" (Claggart, Novice)
17.Billy Budd, Act 2:"Billy! Hist, Billy Budd!" (Novice, Billy, Dansker)
18.Billy Budd, Act 2:"Dansker, old friend" (Billy, Dansker)
19.Billy Budd, Act 3:"I don't like the look of the mist" (Vere, First Lieutenant, Claggart)
20.Billy Budd, Act 3:"Deck ahoy!" (Maintop, Bosun, First Lieutenant, Sailing Master, Ratcliffe, Vere, Donald, Red Whiskers, Dansker, Billy, seamen, powder monkeys)
21.Billy Budd, Act 3:"All guns ready, Sir!" (First Lieutenant, Vere, Sailing Master, Maintop, Ratcliffe, seamen)
22.Billy Budd, Act 3:"There are you again, Master at Arms" (Vere, Claggart, First Lieutenant)
23.Billy Budd, Act 3:"Nay, nay, you're mistaken" (Vere, Claggart, Cabin Boy, First Lieutenant, Sailing Master, Ratcliffe)
24.Billy Budd, Act 3:Interlude & "Claggart, John Claggart, beware!" (Vere)
25.Billy Budd, Act 3:"You wanted to see me" (Billy, Vere, Claggart)
26.Billy Budd, Act 3:"God o'mercy!" (Vere, First Lieutenant, Sailing Master, Ratcliffe)
27.Billy Budd, Act 3:Interlude & "William Budd, you are accused" (First Lieutenant, Vere, Billy)
28.Billy Budd, Act 3:"Poor fellow, who could save him?" (First Lieutenant, Sailing Master, Ratcliffe, Vere)
29.Billy Budd, Act 3:"I accept their verdict" (Vere)
30.Billy Budd, Act 4:"Look!... Trough the port comes the moonshine astray!" (Billy, Dansker)
31.Billy Budd, Act 4:"And farewell to ye" (Billy)
32.Billy Budd, Act 4:"According to the articles of war" (First Lieutenant, Billy)
33.Billy Budd, Act 4:"Starry Vere, God bless you" (Choir)
34.Billy Budd, Act 4:"We commited his body" (Vere)