[tool: 歌词滚动姬 https://lrc-maker.github.io]
礼拜天 将生活的一切都停止 就像Chick-fil-A一样(美国一家以周日停业闻名的快餐店,礼拜天为耶和华安息日)
Closed on Sunday, you're my Chick-fil-A
礼拜天 将生活的一切都停止 就像Chick-fil-A一样
Closed on Sunday, you my Chick-fil-A
过着私人的生活 别再关心IG上的事物
Hold the selfies, put the 'Gram away
把你的家人们都聚集在一起 双手合十虔诚祈祷
Get your family, y'all hold hands and pray
当你有了可爱的女儿 就得保证她们每天的安全
When you got daughters, always keep 'em safe
当心那些蛇蝎小人 别让他们灌输邪恶的思想
Watch out for vipers, don't let them indoctrinate
礼拜天 将生活的一切都停止 就像Chick-fil-A一样
Closed on Sunday, you my Chick-fil-A
你是我心目中的第一 将痛苦的经历转化为良好的结果
You're my number one, with the lemonade
教育你的孩子们吧 让他们带着信仰长大
Raise our sons, train them in the faith
即使面对重重诱惑 也要保持头脑的清醒
Through temptations, make sure they're wide awake
追随伟大的耶稣 倾听他的话语 顺从他的安排
Follow Jesus, listen and obey
不用再为了过去固有的文化而活 我们没有人生来便是奴隶 (slavery is a choice)
No more livin' for the culture, we nobody's slave
Stand up for my home
Even if I take this walk alone
I bow down to the King upon the throne
我的生命长属于他 再也不由我控制
My life is His, I'm no longer my own
我向上帝祈祷 希望他能给予我至高的力量
I pray to God that He'll strengthen my hand
They will think twice steppin' onto my land
我画了一条线 就在沙土之上
I draw the line, it's written in the sand
如果你胆敢挑衅我 就会知道这是在玩火
Try me and you will see that I ain't playin'
现在 远离我的家人 把你肮脏的双手拿开
Now, back up off my family, move your hands
I got my weapons in the spirit's land
耶洗别可别想着乘虚而入(圣经中耶和华的狂热教徒 邪恶的原型 侃爷认为最邪恶的东西也不会让他失去信仰)
I, Jezebel don't even stand a chance
Jezebel don't even stand a chance