[re:简易歌词编辑器 for UWP]
Dark of night and full of snow
Pure and white and deadly
My father took me by the hand
And asked me, "Are you ready?"
He took me up beyond the trees
To where the rock is bare
He took me to a frozen lake
And made me say a prayer
Dark of night, two feet of snow
Drifting sheer and pure
My father made me walk alone
The frozen grave ashore
When we had walked an hour more
My father drew his bow
He shot an arrow in my back
And left me in the snow
And left me in the snow!
Dark of night and full of snow
Bloody red and steaming
He called his father's name once more
But he had left him bleeding
I called my father's name once more
And offered him a prayer
The ice cracked on the frozen lake
My father left me there
My father left me there!
He shot an arrow in my back
And then he left me there!
Dark of night, three feet of snow
My father had killed me
I washed my boots all through the snow
And knew he walked within me
I called my father's father's name
And offered one last prayer
The ice cracked on the frozen lake
And my father's love was there
Dark of night and full of snow
Bloody red and steaming
He called his father's name once more
But he had left him bleeding
Four feet of snow I can't bellow;
And by the dying fire
My father cries in grief and shame
My father cries my name
I feel my father's love once more
My father cries my name
My father cries my name!
And I feel warm again!
My father cries my name,
And I feel warm again!