1.You Will Do Extraordinary Things
2.Meeting Jimmy
3.A Hero Emerges
4.Telling Winn
5.Fighting Vartox
6.Gift from Clark / Stronger Together
7.Fight or Flight
8.Interview Granted
9.Assistant Problems
10.Chatting with Clark
11.I Came Here to Save the World
12.Confronting Maxwell Lord
13.Strange Visitors from Other Planets
14.Joy Ride
15.How Does She Do It?
16.Harnessing Anger
17.Inspirational Boss
18.My Name Is Jonn Jonzz
19.Under Attack
20.Catty Questions
21.Heroes Find a Way
22.Dying Is Easier
23.Alex Brings Kara Back
24.Fortress of Solitude
25.Afraid of Losing You
26.Martian Manhunter Revealed / Your Father is Alive
27.World’s Finest
28.Hope Speech / Lifting Fort Roz
29.Theme from Supergirl