Am I wrong for thinking out the box from where I stay?
Am I wrong for saying that I'll choose another way?
I ain't trying to do what everybody else doing
我绝不会恪守陈规 固步自封停滞不前
Just cause everybody doing what they all do
不会因为人云亦云 而放弃自己的信仰
If one thing I know, how far would I grow?
我只知道一点 失败难免但我必将成长
I'm walking down this road of mine, this road that I call home
我会走出自己不一样的道路 勇敢的走下去
So am I wrong for thinking that we could be something for real?
我是否错了 竟然以为自己能够成就大业
Now am I wrong for trying to reach the things that I can't see?
我是否错了 竟然认为荒诞的梦想就在眼前
But that's just how I feel, that's just how I feel
但我相信自己能做到 我的信念坚如磐石
That's just how I feel trying to reach the things that I can't see
我的目标明确不 再荒谬的梦想 我都要去实现
One two three jump
一 二 三 跳起来!