'The Beauty Prize' Selection: Non-Stop Dancing Craze; Honeymoon Isle; Moon Love; It's A Long, Long Way; You Can't Make Love By Wireless; Meet Me Down On Main Street; Opening Number - Act 1. Cottage In Kent; Non-Stop Dancing Craze

1.Wedding Bells
2.You Can't Keep A Good Girl Down
3.Look For The Silver Lining
5.Wild Rose
6.The Schnitza-Komisski
7.Ballet: Introduction And Entrance Of The Butterflies; Bats; Moths; Valse And Galop
8.The Lorelei
10.The Church 'Round The Corner
11.The 'Cabaret Girl' Selection: Dancing Time; Shimmy With Me; Looking All Mr. Gravvins, Mr Grips; Journey's End; First Rose Of Summer; Whoop-De-Oodle-Do
12.The Bull-Frog Patrol
13.'The Beauty Prize' Selection: Non-Stop Dancing Craze; Honeymoon Isle; Moon Love; It's A Long, Long Way; You Can't Make Love By Wireless; Meet Me Down On Main Street; Opening Number - Act 1. Cottage In Kent; Non-Stop Dancing Craze