El Amor Brujo "Love, the Magician": IV. El aparecido (The apparition) + V. Danza del terror (Dance of Terror)

1.El Amor Brujo "Love, the Magician": I. Introducción y escena (Introduction and Scene)
2.El Amor Brujo "Love, the Magician": IV. El aparecido (The apparition) + V. Danza del terror (Dance of Terror)
3.El Amor Brujo "Love, the Magician": VI. El circulo magico (The Magic Circle)
4.El Amor Brujo "Love, the Magician": VII. A media noche: los sortilegios + VIII. Danza ritual del fuego (Ritual Fire Dance)
5.El Amor Brujo "Love, the Magician": IX. Escena (Scene) + X. Cancion del fuego fatuo (Song of the Will o' the Wisp)
6.El Amor Brujo "Love, the Magician": XI. Pantomima (Pantomime) + XII. Danza del juego de amor (Dance of the Game of Love) + XIII. Final - Las campanas del Amanecer