Up at the Gates of Paradise and Colindița

1.Christ Was Born Today
2.Today, Christ Appeared to Us
3.Santa Clauss White Locks and Good Morning, Christmas Eve
4.Three Shepherds
5.Little Fir Tree Twig
6.Jesus Little Cradle
7.Santa Claus
8.Tonight Will Be Christmas
9.Podobia from the Byzantine Christmas Oratorio
10.Good Morning, Christmas Eve
11.Here Come the Carol Singers
12.Oh What Wonderful Tidings and the Departure of the Magi
13.The Three Magi
14.High Above
15.Jesus and the Lord on High
16.Up at the Gates of Paradise and Colindița
17.The Star Appearing on High
18.Down in Bethlehem
19.At the Wedding of the Canaanite
20.The Shepherds' Carol
21.Little Star (Little Flower)
22.Velerim and Veler King
23.Day, Son of the Day
24.Carol for Palm Sunday
25.We Just Walk and Sing Carols
26.Nativity Hymn from the Byzantine Christmas Oratorio
27.Bright Feast
28.Over There in the Shade of the Trees...
29.Adoration of the Magi
30.The Holy Virgin Is Walking About....
31.Let's Praise the Lord
32.The Lord Be Praised