Pictures at an Exhibition in B-Flat Minor: VI. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuÿle

1.Pictures at an Exhibition in E-Flat Minor: I. Gnomus
2.Pictures at an Exhibition in G-Sharp Minor: II. Il vecchio castello
3.Pictures at an Exhibition in B Major: III. Tuileries
4.Pictures at an Exhibition in G-Sharp Minor: IV. Bydło
5.Pictures at an Exhibition in F Major: V. Ballet of Unhatched Chicks
6.Pictures at an Exhibition in B-Flat Minor: VI. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuÿle
7.Pictures at an Exhibition in E-Flat Major: VII. Limoges, le marché
8.Pictures at an Exhibition in B Minor: VIII. Catacombs
9.Pictures at an Exhibition in C Minor: IX. The Hut on Hen's Legs
10.Pictures at an Exhibition in E-Flat Major: X. The Bogatyr Gates
11.Night at the Lysayer Gorev "Symphonic Fantasy"