Leader of Israel, tis the Lord's decree

2.To vanity and earthly pride
3.Chorus: Ye Sons of Israel
4.Thy mercy did with Israel dwell
5.First in Wisdom, first in pow'r
6.How soon our tow'ring hopes are crossed
7.With redoubled rage return
8.Oh! who can tell, oh! who can hear!
9.Heroes, when with glory burning
10.To Long prosperity we here record
11.As cheers the sun the tender flow'r
12.So Long the Memory Shall Last
13.Aweful, pleasing being, say
14.Nations, who in future story,
15.Leader of Israel, tis the Lord's decree
16.Thus far our cause is favour'd by the Lord
17.Oh! though, bright orb, great ruler of the day
18.Hast, Israel, haste
19.Hail! mighty Joshua, hail!
20.The Lord commands, and Joshua Leads
21.Happy, oh thrice happy we
22.In these blest scenes
23.Hark! tis the linnet and the thrush
24.Shall I in Mamre's fertile plain
25.Place danger around me
26.Our limpid streams with freedom flow
27.The trumpet calls: Now Jericho shall know
28.Father of mercy, hear the prayer we make
29.See the conquering hero comes!
30.Tis well! six times the Lord hath been obeyed;
31.Glory to God
32.Oh! had I Jubal's lyre
33.See the raging flames arise!
34.Oh peerless maid, with beauty blest
35.The great Jehovah is our aweful theme