Tristan und Isolde: Symphonic Synthesis (arr. L. Stokowski for orchestra):I. Act I: Vorspiel (Prelude)

1.Das Rheingold, Scene 4: Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla (arr. L. Stokowski):Das Rheingold, Scene IV: Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla (ed. H. Zumpe, L. Stokowski)
2.Tristan und Isolde: Symphonic Synthesis (arr. L. Stokowski for orchestra):I. Act I: Vorspiel (Prelude)
3.Tristan und Isolde: Symphonic Synthesis (arr. L. Stokowski for orchestra):II. Act II: Liebesnacht (Night of Love)
4.Tristan und Isolde: Symphonic Synthesis (arr. L. Stokowski for orchestra):III. Act III: Liebestod (Love Death)
5.Parsifal (arr. L. Stokowski for orchestra):Parsifal, Act III: Symphonic Synthesis (arr. L. Stokowski)
6.Die Walkure, Act III: Feuerzauber (arr. L. Stokowski for orchestra):Die Walkure, Act III: Feuerzauber (Magic Fire Music) (arr. L. Stokowski)
7.Die Walküre, Act III: Ride of the Valkyries (arr. L. Stokowski):Die Walkure, Act III: Ride of the Valkyries (ed. H. Zumpe, L. Stokowski)