Ceol Mor Dances:No. 5. Allegro moderato - grandioso

1.Ceol Mor Dances:No. 1. Adagio
2.Ceol Mor Dances:No. 2. Andante moderato
3.Ceol Mor Dances:No. 3. Allegretto scherzando
4.Ceol Mor Dances:No. 4. Allegretto grazioso
5.Ceol Mor Dances:No. 5. Allegro moderato - grandioso
6.Ceol Mor Dances:No. 6. Tranquillo - Allegro vivo - Poco adagio - Presto
7.Denudin Suite:I. Prelude
8.Denudin Suite:II. Sarabande
9.Denudin Suite:III. Caprice
10.Denudin Suite:IV. Strathspey
11.Denudin Suite:V. Jig
12.Scottish Airs:No. 1. A Bhanarcach dhonn a' chruidh
13.Scottish Airs:No. 2. Ceud soraidh nam do'n Ailleagan
14.Scottish Airs:No. 3.
15.Scottish Airs:No. 4.
16.Scottish Airs:No. 5. 's mi air cragan na sgura
17.Scottish Airs:No. 6. Ossian an deigh nam Fion
18.Scottish Airs:No. 7. Aisling
19.Scottish Airs:No. 8. Lament for McGriogair of Roro
20.Scottish Airs:No. 9. Jig
21.Dance of the Princess Jaschya-Sheena
22.Wisdom Book:No. 1. He Comes in with his 5 Eggs and 4 of them Rotten
23.Wisdom Book:No. 2. Better Ane Bird in ye Hand than Two in the Busche
24.Wisdom Book:No. 3. None so Deaf
25.Wisdom Book:No. 4. Let him that's Culd Blow out the Cole
26.Wisdom Book:No. 5. As the Old Coke Craws the Young Coke Learnes
27.Wisdom Book:No. 6. Better Bairness Greet than Beardit Men
28.Wisdom Book:No. 7. Weaponis Bode Peace
29.Wisdom Book:No. 8. The Tortoise and the Hare
30.Wisdom Book:No. 9. He who Permits
31.Wisdom Book:No. 10. Quha can Sing sa Merrie a not as he - yt hes not Worth a Groat?
32.Wisdom Book:No. 11. Set a Begger on Horsbak and he will Run his Hors out of Breth
33.Night Song of the Birds:Bard No. 1: Andante sostenuto
34.Night Song of the Birds:Bard No. 2: Allegro tempestuoso
35.Night Song of the Birds:Bard No. 3: Adagio, dolce e poco cantabile
36.Night Song of the Birds:Bard No. 4: Appassionato e dramatico
37.Night Song of the Birds:Bard No. 5: Lento tranquillo
38.Night Song of the Birds:Bard No. 6 (The Chief): Adagio