Death Cab for Cutie - summer skin
squeaky swings and tall grass
嘎吱作响的秋千 和疯长的野草
the longest shadows ever cast
the water's warm and children swim
温度刚刚好的水面中 是正在游泳的孩子们
and we frolicked about in our summer skin
沉浸在夏日的肌肤中 是我们在肆意嬉戏
i don't recall a single care
just greenery and humid air
只有漫山遍野的绿色 还有湿润得能揉出水的空气
then labor day came and went
九月份的劳工节匆匆来临 又匆匆远离
and we shed what was left of our summer skin
我们紧紧抓住夏天的尾巴 不愿松手
on the night you left i came over
赶来与你相见 在你离去的那夜
and we peeled the freckles from our shoulders
肩膀上被夏日阳光晒出的斑点 一点点消失
our brand new coats so flushed and pink
崭新的外皮散发着粉色的光芒 熠熠生辉
and i knew your heart i couldn't win
了解你的人莫如我 这是一场必输的战争
cause the seasons change was a conduit
and we left our love in our summer skin
所有的爱 都最终尘封在了夏日的肌肤下