Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy
狂热 发狂 迷恋 丧失理智
Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy
痴狂 着迷 疯狂 沉迷如醉
I do it all the first time I set my sights on you
Introduced by the flavor of the month
Took my breath away and I wanted you to stay but you went home to your loved one
你令我无法自拔 多么想让你留下 可是你需要回家陪伴那个深爱的她
Hadn't seen you since last time but I can't get you off my mind I see your face on the street and my heart skips a beat
长时间不见面 但我依旧控制不住不去想你 我看什么都像你 每当想起 我的心就会狂跳不止
It's a night in February, and I can not stop staring at your eyes looking into mine
我克制不住不去凝视你的眼眸 尽管这是在二月寒冷的夜晚 你眼里那一团火却能把我的心烧得火热
Cause I'm crazy for you baby
I crave your lips on my skin, and my chest passed on within
我渴望你的亲吻 那会像一股暖流穿过我的胸膛
You always want what you can't have and babe I need you so bad
人总是渴望自己得不到的东西 而我又是多么渴望你
I never tell you you the truth but baby I'm in love with you
心早已为你沦陷 但我会坚守这个秘密
I'm not a jealous girl, but when I see you with her I die a little inside and I don't know why
我并不时常嫉妒 但我不知道为什么每当我见你和她在一起 我的心就被撕裂
Don't even know where you are but there's a giant scar that gets deeper every time you're not with me
甚至不知道你在哪 但是每次你不在我身边时 我心里的伤口就会越来越深
But it's not like you care no no no no it ain't fair for you to be playing with my heart like that
但你从不在乎 你怎么可以就这样玩弄我的心
And I know that you're not mine I can pretend that I'm fine but we both know that I'd be lying
我知道你从不属于我 我可以装作没事 但我们都能识破这拙劣的谎言
Cause I'm crazy for you baby
I crave your lips on my skin, and my chest passed on within
我渴望你的亲吻 那会像一股暖流穿过我的胸膛
You always want what you can't have and babe I need you so bad
人总是渴望自己得不到的东西 而我又是多么渴望你
I never tell you you the truth but baby
我一直坚守这个秘密 但是亲爱的
I'm in love with you
And even though it's just a dream you almost fictional to me I would give everything I had just to be with you in reality
尽管这只像一个梦 你对我几乎是虚构的存在 我愿意付出一切 让我跟你真正在一起
Now it's late November and you are single again
现在已是十一月底 而你已与她分开
You got that wicked smile, I say "How you been?"
我们相视一笑 我问你最近过得怎么样
This time I'm the one that's taking in and I don't want to sin cause I know...
这次是我保持拘束 我不想我们越过界限 因为我知道...
That you're crazy for me baby you place a kiss on my lips your chest is pounding
你为我疯狂宝贝 你亲吻了我的嘴唇 你的心一定在狂跳
You want what you can't have
Who knows what we could've had
I'm glad I told you the truth cause baby...
我欣然地告诉你真相 因为宝贝
I was crazy for you baby
I craved your lips on my skin my chest pounding from within
我渴望你的亲吻 那会像一股暖流穿过我的胸膛
I always want what I can't have and I wanted you back
我一直想要我得不到的 所以我希望你能回到我身边
I'm glad I told you the truth cause baby I was crazy
我欣然地告诉你真相 因为宝贝我曾为你疯狂
I craved your lips on my skin my chest pounding from within
我渴望你的亲吻 那会像一股暖流穿过我的胸膛
I always want what I can't have and I wanted you back
我一直想要我得不到的 所以我希望你能回到我身边
I'm glad I told you the truth cause baby I was crazy. I was crazy
我欣然地告诉你真相 因为宝贝我曾为你疯狂 我曾为你着迷
I was crazy
I'm glad I told you the truth cause baby...
我现在欣然地告诉你真相 因为宝贝..
I no longer love you
1.Carnival Hearts (Radio Mix)
2.Carnival Hearts
3.America's Sweetheart
4.Young Stupid Love
6.All on Me
7.What You're Made Of (Vintage Version)
8.What You're Made Of