Viscerated bodies planted deep beneath the earth
They fertilize the soil and feed for all they’re worth
Within the garden of unearthly delights
True meaning of horror’s found and hell’s within our sights [Chorus:]
He plants the seeds
The germinate
Black misdeeds, they pollinate
Within the garden of bleeding’s where the devil waits to introduce you to your fate
Endless orchards dot the land of corpses up on spikes
Beauty’s in the eye of the beheaded on a pike
Bathed in lakes of fire until a cinder’s what remains
The stench of death it makes the flowers bloom in his domain [Chorus]
Bodies hang from branches like grapes hang from the vine
Garlands made of human flesh they decorate his shrine
On the wind and through the trees, the cries of suffering
For this is the garden of the king of the unclean