El Capitan (arr. A. Kostelanetz and Wiiginz):El Capitan

1.National Anthem
2.Coast Guard Fore'er
3.Semper Paratus (Always Ready)
4.The Stars and Stripes Forever
5.El Capitan (arr. A. Kostelanetz and Wiiginz):El Capitan
6.King Cotton
7.Unter dem Doppeladler (Under The Double Eagle), Op. 159
8.The Billboard
9.The Stars and Stripes Forever
10.Before the Mast
11.United States Public Health Service March
12.Independentia March
13.The Thunderer
14.Anchors Away
15.The Marines' Hymn
16.The Coast Guardsmen
17.US Field Artillery
18.Hail to the Chief
19.Jolly Tar
20.Semper Paratus (Always Ready)
21.Auld Lang Syne
22.Roast Beef of Old England
23.Semper Paratus (Always Ready)
24.Service Medley (arr. D. Sandidge):Service Medley
25.Auld Lang Syne
26.The Marines' Hymn
27.United States Field Artillery
28.Anchors Away
29.The Air Force Song (arr. R.R. Bennett)
31.National Emblem
32.The Golden Reserve
33.Fight On
34.US Coast Guard Bicentennial